Home > Comunidad > Apoya nuestra misión > Formas de donar
Ascentria gratefully accepts donations of all kinds, view the giving options below and choose the type of support that best suits you!
Through in-kind gifts, legacy giving, and corporate partnerships, you can help support Ascentria programs beyond traditional giving.
Make a monetary donation using either our online donation portal or via physical check through the mail.
By including Ascentria in your trust or will, you can ensure your impact for years to come.
See if your company will match your donation or help sponsor our programs.
Directly support the people we serve through gifts-in-kind, and see what items we are accepting.
Set up charitable gifts through Donor Advised Funds, Gifts of Stock, or IRA Roll-over.
For all donation-related questions, please contact our Development Team.
Su donación ayuda a las personas y familias que participan en nuestros programas a ser autosuficientes y a confiar en su capacidad no sólo para afrontar los retos de la vida, sino para prosperar. No podemos hacerlo sin ti.
11 Shattuck Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Horario: 8:30 – 17:00